Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Coca-Cola’s Super Bowl Ad Plans Include Social Media
Coca-Cola executives discussed how they intend to incorporate philanthropy and the social media into their Super Bowl ad plans. The social media component will come courtesy of Facebook, which is teaming up with Coca-Cola for the initiative.
Coca-Cola is scheduled to run two commercials during Super Bowl XLIV on CBS on Feb. 7. The company bought the time from CBS before Pepsi-Cola announced that it would skip the game.
Visitors to the Coca-Cola fan page on Facebook (facebook.com/livepositively) will be able to share virtual gifts with friends, after which three things are to take place:
* The gift recipients get an image of a Coke bottle that is displayed on their Facebook pages and news feed.
* The gift givers will get a 20-second sneak peek at one of the two Coca-Cola Super Bowl commercials.
* Coca-Cola will donate a dollar to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
The altruistic element to be added to the Super Bowl ad effort reflects a longtime corporate philosophy “to do a little good while you’re refreshing people,” Katie Bayne, chief marketing officer at Coca-Cola North America.
The philanthropy also fits in with a Coca-Cola corporate campaign carrying the theme “Live positively,” Ms. Bayne said, which discusses subjects like recycling, as well as with the campaign for the Coca-Cola brand, which carries the theme “Open happiness.”
For Coca-Cola, the Super Bowl represents a chance “to be part of the celebration,” she added, and to “make brand-equity deposits” with the large audience expected to watch the game.
The two Coke spots during the game, created by Wieden & Kennedy, are part of the “Open happiness” campaign. One features characters from “The Simpsons” and tells a story about Montgomery Burns, Homer Simpson’s stingy boss, losing his entire fortune.
The other Coke spot in the Super Bowl, set to a version of Ravel’s “Bolero,” shows a man sleepwalking through some scary moments in the African veldt.
Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola have zigged and zagged their way through many Super Bowls. In the early years, both brands bought spots during the game. Coke pulled out for many years after Pepsi-Cola kept outscoring Coke in the annual USA Today Ad Meter competition, in which consumers rank their favorite Super Bowl spots.
Coke returned to the Super Bowl in 2007 and the two brands went head-to-head again that year as well as in 2008 and 2009.
Ms. Bayne and Pio Schunker, senior vice president for creative excellence — yes, that is his title — at Coca-Cola North America, showed some Coca-Cola spots that will appear during other high-profile TV events in addition to the Super Bowl. The venues will include the Daytona 500 Nascar race and the Winter Olympics.
As the Webcast ended before 2 p.m. Eastern time, Ms. Bayne noted that 2,500 virtual Coke gifts had already been given away through Facebook.
There may have been much more but Coca-Cola’s timing was off: the Webcast was up against the introduction by Apple of the iPad.
My Thoughts
Coca-Cola is smart to utilize social media instead of ads for advertising methods. This may be a better route in order to save money and use free sites such as Facebook. Also, it showcases Coke's philanthropic side and partners them with the Boys & Girls Club of America.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Progressive Auto Isn't So Progressive

But are their latest strategies to engage customers hit or miss?
The source on Progressive's social media plan is Matthew Lehman, Web Experience Director and Progressive presenter at the Social Media Business Council on August 13,2009 in Minneapolis, hosted by Gas Pedal and featured on BlogWell.
*Note: Video length is 33 minutes. Read on for a synopsis.
Social Media at Progressive, by Matthew Lehman; presented by GasPedal and the Social Media Business Council from GasPedal on Vimeo.
Lehman makes several key points about Progressive and its views on social media:
- Auto Insurance Companies are low touch environments with limited customer interaction. Customers only contact an actual representative 1-2 times per year.
- Auto Insurance Companies rely on referrals even more than positive survey reviews.
- Auto Insurance Companies are limited by the public nature of social media. Security is an issue when addressing individual policy concerns.
- It isn't the number of followers that matters. The goal is to contact customers to give them relevant information.
Social media is an easy way to increase the number of positive customer interactions - no accident claim or bill correction required. Progressive focuses its website, blogs, Youtube channel, Facebook, and Twitter on the customer and providing information. By limiting itself to these applications, Progressive maintains a focus and makes the information easy to access. Or so you'd think. Once you dig into Progressive's social portfolio, you might find yourself a little lost. Let's take a look at where Progressive is showing success and where it needs a tune-up.

Flo, with her tricked out nametag and bright red lipstick, is the face of Progressive and has become the single most recognized use of branding for the company. She is featured in all the commercials, Facebook groups, Twitter, and the Youtube channel. Flo links all of Progressive's social media together into one quirky and recognizable personality that customers are happy to see. Her latest problem is finding an assistant and Progressive is giving its customers a chance to appear in one of their commercials to help her.
HelpFlo utilizes Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and the company website to encourage customers to play with their auto insurance company and to have fun with photos and videos. While customers aren't really getting to know the company behind the nametag, they are showing pride in their auto insurance mascot and are promoting the company's best features in each of their videos. Each tryout video receives anywhere from several hundred to more than one thousand views.

Lehman says that Progressive's "In" for social media was providing real time severe weather updates and suggestions through Twitter and podcasts. And I agree. Services like emergency updates provide relevant and meaningful information through social media, and, as Lehman points out, customers are more likely to have access to Twitter via a cell phone during an emergency than they are a television or a computer. Progressive's mobile Catastrophe Team arrives in disaster stricken areas to help customers file claims on-site and recover from floods, hurricanes, blizzards, and hail storms.

Progressive recently added a page to their website that allows customers to share stories about positive service interactions. Flo picks out a few new stories to feature every month. I like that this allows customers to point out specific representatives that took extra effort to help them through their claims. Unfortunately, there is no section for less than stellar stories. You won't find any negative or even lukewarm reviews willingly showcased on Progressive's website, or Youtube, or Twitter, or Facebook, or...well, anywhere.

Bill pay, claims, and commercials on the go for anyone who has an Iphone or a Smart Phone. This is a great way for customers to keep up with their lives and their insurance at the same time. Just don't use it while driving or you'll violate your Oprah-sanctioned No-Phone-Zone pledge.

Progressive mixes information and fun in its Facebook pages. The main Progressive Facebook page is updated every four days or so with new event information or reminders and the page has a respectable 7,624 followers. It has a few fun addons, such as the nametagger that lets you add tricked out name tags to your photos. Flo is the real star of Facebook with two pages, one for Flo and one for finding a new assistant. Flo is a humble sales clerk with a loyal following of 317,456 adoring fans. Progressive also has a Pets application that allows customers to post pictures of their furry loved ones as a promotional tool for their Pet Injury Insurance, and motorcycle enthusiasts can post pictures of their bikes on the Progressive Motorcycle page. There are also several Facebook games on the Progressive Commercial Auto page.

Progressive decided to use Twitter as a way for customers to text in their questions and concerns about their insurance policies. Unfortunately, Twitter is public. Customers end up posting their private account information in hopes of speedy solutions and put themselves at risk of identity theft. Also, followers of the Progressive Twitter only see Progressive's replies and are unable to view the actual questions. There is only so much help that can be given in 140 characters and a Twitter feed of thanking people for contacting them, joining Progressive, referring to the customer help phone number, etc. becomes redundant. Without customers being able to see commonly asked questions and the answers that are given, it isn't really helping.
The Twitter Customer Service replaced the very useful (and private) feature of being able to go to the Progressive website, type in your phone number, and receive an immediate phone call from a representative who could help you. A real voice, a real person, and real communication. Also helpful is a website-based chat feature, where questions and responses can be longer than 140 characters and don't require horrendous spelling and grammar errors in order to get the message across. Since I'm a Progressive customer myself, I'd really like those features back. There's no way that I'm using Twitter to ask about billing errors and coverage changes.

All the Flo commercials you could ever want. And nothing else. Progressive is missing out on potential communication and engagement with their customers beyond their adorable sales clerk. If you look hard enough, there's one video about working at Progressive that features interviews, albeit clearly scripted, from employees about the benefits of working at Progressive. It actually lets you see into the company and learn more about what daily life is like for the people on the other side of the phone. It would be even better if we could see unscripted videos, how-to videos, or maybe even documentation videos of their Catastrophe Team. A YouTube channel can do so much more than replay old commercials. Progressive should take the opportunity to actually show their face and talk to their customers. Show them what they are paying for.

Lehman talked about how it's not the number of followers that matters, but getting relevant information to customers through social media. This isn't really working on Facebook. There are too many pages to follow all of them and they aren't created equally. Some pages lack updates, info descriptions, or content. The only pages getting the hits are the ones related to Flo. The information pages aren't getting marketed and aren't really getting seen.
Going Solo with Progressive is directed at teenage drivers and has great information and quizzes to help teens prepare for hitting the open road on their own. Unfortunately, this page only has 36 fans. Progressive Commercial Auto doesn't have many followers, but is packed with information, updates, and videos. The Automative X Prize competition page is actually pretty interesting, but isn't getting much attention. Then there's the Faces of Pride page, which supports corporate equality, but has lost all of its ties to the actual Progressive company. Another problem with the Facebook pages is the blackhole effect of links. Click on one Progressive Favorites page and you risk not being able to get back to the main Progressive Facebook page, since only certain pages are complete with links and content.

Progressive lists seven different blogs on their website. They currently use the blogs to mine articles and re-post them into the Facebook pages, where the information might actually be seen. Few customers have the time to hunt through the actual website to find all seven blogs and read new posts. None of the posts have received comments from readers. If these pages are going to be listed and updated as blogs, it would be beneficial to consolidate them into one or two blogs that are easy to find or to differentiate between what is a blog and what is another page on the website.
- Understanding Insurance Blog
- Auto Tech Articles
- Driving Destinations Articles
- Progressive Investor Relations
- Progressive Newsroom
- Progressive Responds
- Super Service Stories

Progressive encourages its customers to participate in viral marketing and to promote its services to their friends and followers, but it cuts customers out of the discussion by hiding feedback. It even hides the company behind Flo. There are few, if any, discussions on any of the Facebook pages and there are no rating or review features on the social media sites or on the Progressive website. While not every company is ready to face the public on neutral ground, social media requires two-way communication to be truly successful.
Progressive uses a Net Promoter Score to track their success in social networking based on referrals. Negative feedback would bring this score down. While shoutouts on Facebook and Twitter from customers with large numbers of followers will give the illusion of success, they don't mean that communication is happening or that Progressive is 1) listening or 2) learning about what their customers want. Nor does it mean that customers are learning anything about Progressive. Social media then is just an extension of one long commercial featuring Flo, in which customers can pass on the message, but can't genuinely participate.

At the end of Lehman's presentation, he acknowledges the question of changing how Progressive sells insurance online by saying, "Do I make them come to my site to work with me or do I let them work with me where they are?" While he claims that the answer is to go where they are, I strongly disagree. To me, the answer is clearly the Progressive website. The company's credibility is based in its website and in the security that they can provide. The customer is accessing the internet and they already have the option to manage their account at home or on the go with the mobile web site.
While it's nice to be able to post pictures, see news, and receive updates via social media, the Progressive website is one easily spelled URL away. Opening insurance sales through Facebook is an invitation for identity theft, scams, and loss of credibility. Progressive has a highly usable website for new customers and current customers. Why would they suddenly rely on Facebook to host all of your business needs? If the goal is to reward and track customers receiving referrals through social media, then Tweet coupon codes and discounts, or allow customers to credit who recommended them during the application process and give that person a discount that month. Don't sacrifice good business for a shiny fad.
Meeting Goals But Missing the Point
Progressive is using social media to increase their interactions with customers, but they are losing opportunities by not fully engaging their voice and the voices of their customers. Focusing their efforts into a clear, narrow social media campaign that is easy to follow and participate in will benefit them in the future. Having a presence in social media doesn't mean that all business interactions have to take place through Twitter and Facebook - real customer service is as important as it ever was in the past. It might also help to let Flo take a short vacation and let some of the real sales clerks and agents step into the spotlight and share their voices and views with the customers they serve.
Dude, Twitter Tips from Dell
A Balancing Act
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Poetry and Social Media

Poetry is one of the most prestigious poetry publications in the United States. The magazine was established in 1912 by Harriet Monroe and has featured many of the country’s greatest poets: Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, among others. The magazine is published by The Poetry Foundation and prints poetry by leading and emerging poets, literary criticism, and book reviews. The Poetry Foundation's mission is to "discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience."
The foundation and magazine have made full use of social media and the Internet in order to fulfill their mission. The foundation maintains an official website and a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. They also publish an email newsletter and provide an RSS feed.
Main Website
Poetry Foundation is the portal for all the resources of the foundation and the magazine Poetry. The site is a treasure trove of poetry and literary criticism, articles, news, and reviews. A user could spend hours reading the material and not come close to seeing all that the site has to offer. There are two interactive features that are of special note: the Poetry Tool and the Interactive Poetry Lab. The Poetry Tool allows users to search for poetry and criticism by category, occasion, poet, and title, among other listings. The Poetry Learning Lab displays individual poems, each with writing ideas, discussion questions, teaching tips, audio, and a poem guide. The lab is a good resource for teachers and students of poetry. Interactive features are a worthwhile investment as they keep users on the site for a longer period of time and also gives them another reason to return. The foundation also provides poetry podcasts and a poetry blog complete with user comments.
The foundation keeps users up-to-date with news from the world of poetry and publishes articles by leading poets and critics, audio and video, and reviews of new books of poetry. The content is updated frequently and the news is updated daily. Articles can be shared by Email or on Digg, Google, MySpace, Live, Facebook, StumbleUpon, and Twitter via the toolbar found at the bottom of the entry.
Poetry's section of the website offers the latest print issue digitally almost in its entirety along with an archive of issues back to 1987 and an index of all prior issues. Users can also view submission guidelines and learn how to subscribe to the magazine.
The Poetry Foundation & Poetry maintain a strong presence on Facebook via a fan page. The page currently has 5,247 fans. While most fan pages are mere placeholders with little original content, Poetry’s page is updated daily with poetry and literary news and notes. For example, there are already 33 postings in the first two weeks of February alone. In the info section, the mission of the Poetry Foundation is stated as an attempt to create “a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture.” The fan page reflects this aggressive approach. The page also includes photos of old magazine covers and fan photos, videos, and links to Poem Talk (poetry podcasts) via a music player.
Poetry maintains a Twitter page too. The page has 3,830 followers and is updated daily. Most of the tweets are links to poems posted on the main site. The foundation also maintains Poetry News on Twitter . The page has 4,204 followers and is updated every few days with poetry news from around the web.
Poetry Foundation's Channel on YouTube offers 37 videos of animated poems. 140 people have subscribed to the channel but the videos are at least 10 months old. This was the only segment of the foundation's social media plan that was not up-to-date.
RSS Feed - www.poetryfoundation.org/index.xml
The Poetry Foundation is effectively using social media to achieve their mission to “"discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience." While Poetry (the print version) is the central part of their strategy, the online component complements the magazine and increase its visibility.
Facebook Could Transform Mobile Phones
For many consumers, social networks are now the nucleus of their online existence. Being always on is hard-wired into their lifestyle. The rise of the so-called "Continuous Partial Attention" phenomenon—the desire not to miss anything, even for an instant—holds profound implications for the way we consume information. It is the impulse that has us clicking "Check Messages" on our e-mails, even when we know that they auto-update, checking our phones even when we know they haven't rung or vibrated, and texting friends when we have nothing in particular to say.
We get a buzz from being continually connected. We're getting used to an existence where we are never fully off the grid. Many phones on the market today, including Apple's (AAPL) ubiquitous iPhone, do not fully cater to this demand. If you want to scan the horizon for information on an iPhone, you can either choose to put yourself at the mercy of push notifications, or run down your battery by repeatedly opening and closing the relevant applications.
The default experience of an iPhone is glossy and beautiful, yet it's a fundamentally static experience. In a real-time world where we have come to expect a constant flow of data—where we are always scanning for new opportunities to contribute, create, and collaborate—this seems somehow insufficient and unsatisfying.
Facebook: the Web's best contact book
Apple has created a new computer-like experience on the iPhone and many smartphones now mimic its approach. But the iPhone is incapable of multitasking. To get to Facebook's activity feed on an iPhone, you need to open an application. To get to Twitter, you need to open yet another app. To make a call, you need to close other apps and navigate to the Contact Book screen or the dialer. The Contact Book screen and the dialer do not communicate with the Facebook or Twitter apps—even though many of your friends are on Facebook. Frankly, it's inefficient.
Apple's decision to make the iPhone primarily a computing device, rather than a communications device, left open an opportunity for disruptive innovation. Apple's notorious obsession for locking down its platform and ensuring that such applications as Facebook can't be deeply integrated with the Contact Book and the Photo Album detracts from the user experience. The contact list is still the most important asset on the phone and, for many users, Facebook is the most important and complete contact book on the Web.
Imagine for a minute what a Facebook-centric device might be capable of. It would have the ability to incorporate real-time information about friends at every stage of your interaction with them. The need to send expensive SMS messages would be reduced or eliminated by the ability to send a Facebook message from your phone as easily as you now send an SMS. Facebook would be the trigger for greater communication.
A Facebook device would open up new possibilities for creativity, too. We know that consumers more than ever carry around devices for creating and sharing content with each other. Instant and seamless uploads of photos and videos would create not just a master phone book but also a master photo and video album. Indeed, a Facebook phone could become your master life recorder—a kind of social archive of your digital life. It would transform the online and mobile landscape, reducing fragmentation and providing a level of integration among applications never before seen.
Such a device would undoubtedly terrify mobile operators, who could witness even more of their network traffic shift from voice and pricey messaging to raw streams of data. Incumbent handset makers could lose, too, as further control over the user experience shifts to an Internet company that stands to profit from dominating the online life of users. In short, a Facebook smartphone could spur a communications revolution. The sheer thought of the richness of interaction thrills me.
Need several years, better batteries
We are already seeing the first baby steps along this road as mobile operators begin to understand that their future will be dictated as much by users as by them. Vodafone 360 is an example of this, but Vodafone (VOD) lacks the digital life archive and engaged users that Facebook commands. INQ's Social Mobile also takes important strides in this direction. The Palm (PALM) Pre has done a good job in showing the way, and the active widget framework in Android provides the base. In the end, it's the service that will drive usage—and this could turn into one of the Internet's famous winner-takes-all scenarios.
Facebook has the sheer scale to take online and mobile social integration further. Surely, if the company continues growing at its current rate, its ambitions won't be limited to creating a social Web site. Facebook will look to emulate Amazon (AMZN) and Google as an "Internet hub." There's only one way this can realistically be achieved—by creating a Facebook mobile device. This will likely be a two- to three-year process that requires at least a $200 million investment and technological progress in rendering ubiquitous connectivity and longer battery life. We are, in short, about one hardware generation from this inflection point.
Facebook's ability to build its own device would rely on certain additional conditions. The company would need to double the size of its network, expand its developer community (including flushing out scammers), and then solidify its monetization program. It would also have to resolve the privacy issues that stand to threaten its "trusted brand" status if left unchecked. It would also have to execute this strategy in total stealth, while remaining in the meantime the best and friendliest partner to any enterprise wanting to integrate with it.
Make no mistake, Facebook has the assets to achieve all of this and more. It has the attitude and the talent—and can attract more of the latter now that it's generating a profit. A Facebook phone, if successful, would ratchet the company's income to a higher level, making it a prime global brand. The rewards for reinventing the phone would be massive.
How Do You Like Your Coffee?
For Starbucks Coffee, that question has morphed into a successful social media strategy, including the new My Starbucks Idea site, which allows everyday folks to tell the corporate coffee giant just what they want to see -- or not, as the case may be.

You know better than anyone else what you want from Starbucks. So tell us. What's your Starbucks Idea? Revolutionary or simple -- we want to hear it. Share your ideas, tell us what you think of other people's ideas and join the discussion. We're here, and we're ready to make idea happen. Let's get started.

@CJonesPhotog We'll give you a free drink for your birthday! Register your Starbucks card: http://www.starbucks.com/card
1:17 PM Feb 10th from web by bradnelson in reply to CJonesPhotog
With more than 5,000 subscribers, Starbucks has a significant YouTube presence, just another piece of its carefully mapped out social media strategy.
Become a Fan
The Facebook page also lists events, promoting free coffee giveaways and other events such as charitable sponsorship events.
Does Social Media Power Translate Into Purchasing Power?
With a presence almost everywhere, including Flickr, Pandora and those listed above, one has to wonder -- does it pay off? Does a strong social media presence translate into paying customers? It does, according to a study by social media platform WetPaint and digital consulting group The Altimeter. Researchers found that companies who engaged actively and deeply in social media saw their revenues increase by an average of 18%, while those who were the least engaged saw a drop of 6%.
The research considered "not only their breadth of engagement across these channels, but also their depth, such as whether they reply to comments made on blog posts. Each brand was given a numerical score." Starbucks topped the list, with a score of 127.
So, it seems that Starbucks is on to something. Engage with customers, participate in dialog, keep it light, interesting and easy and you just might see your advertising budget drop while your revenues go up. Coffee anyone?
Social Media and the Winter Olympics
Before the internet became common and we were all sharing our YouTube videos with strangers on every continent, the Olympics were one of the few ways the entire world came together outside of war or response to humanitarian crisis. But now that we can all find an actual French person and satisfy our burning curiosity about whether they eat French fries, is the Olympics as important for world unity? And, social media-wise, are they stepping up? (Er… skiing up?)
Winter Olympics Official Site – www.vancouver2010.com
The Winter Olympics’ official website is essentially what you would expect from the site of any major sporting event. It keeps track of medal counts, holds information on all the events, and links to photos and videos of great moments. The web designers did appear to have put quite a bit of thought into the site, as the information that people will probably look for the most – medal counts, a schedule of events, and the latest news – appear at the top where they are easy to find without scrolling.
But where’s the social media? Scroll down. Scroll way down. Blink and you’ll miss it, but there are links to two Facebook fan pages and two Twitter accounts near the very bottom of the page. There is also a tiny, barely noticeable call to action to “Share This Page on Facebook.” Here’s a short analysis of each account:
Vancouver 2010 Fan Page on Facebook – With over 600,000 fans, it is clear that Facebookers are interested in the Olympics and they are showing their allegiance on social media. The Facebook site includes wall postings that receive hundreds of comments, an active discussion board, photos, a gift giving application (where fans can give one another public virtual gifts on Facebook, though only one gift is current available), and an RSS feed to keep up with the latest Olympic news. The site is bilingual in English and French, and fans from around the world are participating.
Cultural Olympiad Fan Page on Facebook – This fan page is designed to appeal to people actually attending the Olympics, and provides information on cultural events being held in Vancouver during the Games. It has basically made use of the “Events” function on Facebook to let people know about art shows, theater performances, and other cultural events going on simultaneously with the Olympics. At just over 3,000 fans, it has only a fraction of the Facebook following that the official Olympic Games enjoy, but that can be explained by the fact that most people are watching the winter games from the comfort of their own, centrally heated homes.
@2010Tweets – This Twitter account was set up long before the Games began and has already broadcast nearly 2,000 Tweets. It consists mainly of retweets (RTs) of athlete’s own Twitter musings, and is sprinkled with news and pictures of the games so far. With 11,006 followers as of today, this Twitter account is popular, but not nearly as popular as the Olympics on Facebook.
Of the other two Twitter accounts, one followed the Olympic Torch relay and the other follows the Cultural Olympiad. None of the Olympics’ Twitter accounts come anywhere close to its Facebook pages in number of followers.
NBC’s Olympics Page – www.nbcolympics.com
When it comes to social media, NBC’s Olympics website performs much better than the official 2010 Winter Olympics site. They offer an “Olympic Zone” feature where you can enter your zip code and then follow your hometown heroes through their Olympic journeys. Interestingly, NBC’s Twitter page has over 50,000 followers – many more than the official 2010 Olympics’ Twitter page, but their Facebook only has about 70,000 fans, meaning the official Olympic Facebook Fan Page is wildly more popular.

But unlike the official 2010 Olympic site, NBCOlympics.com offers a whole host of social media goodies. They offer widgets, which allow you to embed information about the games on your own blog or website. A sports blogger could grab one of two of these widgets and keep her readers constantly updated with the latest Olympic news.
The network even offers a mobile application for 3G devices that allows viewers to keep up with Olympic news, schedules, and events.
Other Winter Olympics Social Media Offerings
Other sites, like Yahoo and Foursquare, though neither have a vested interest in the Olympics like NBC, are cashing in on Olympic fever by offering social media applications designed to help Olympics fans remember when their favorite events are on, as well as allow them to look up information such as athlete profiles and medal counts. Foursquare, the popular application that allows users to “check in” whenever they go out and about town, is offering special badges, coupons and discounts for Olympic Games attendees.
Essentially, the official organizers of the 2010 Olympic Games are missing the boat when it comes to social media. They have done an excellent job with their Facebook pages, but the one element they are missing is human interaction. Right now, all the official Olympic Games social media platforms provide essentially a one-way dialogue. Sure, people can post on the Facebook discussion board, but where are the calls for people to send in their own pictures of Olympic events? Or the chance to blog about their Olympic experiences? For an event that relies so much on worldwide participation, I found its social media offerings uninspired and decidedly one-way.
No Ode for Ode

I like the moniker; I like believing that Ode readers and subscribers are informed, invested and involved in changing our world through their combined efforts. I think of Ode as a young, progressive organization and I expected this attitude to be reflected in its use of social media. After a quick review, however, I am disappointed with the scope of its engagement thus far.
Ode’s website mirrors the look and feel of the original print publication, with a bold, colorful design. The home page features teasers to recent magazine articles, blog posts and tweets and the navigation bar includes familiar icons for linking to Ode profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, as well as subscribing to RSS feeds and Ode’s online newsletter.
On the surface, the magazine seems to be in all the right places. But upon further review, Ode’s level of engagement with its readers appears limited; it seems to be failing at establishing two-way conversation—a crucial ingredient in successful social media campaigns.
Blog Woes
Ode hosts three separate blogs: Blog, written exclusively by founder Jurriaan Kamp; People, Passion, Possibilities, written by a staff of 25 bloggers; and Exchange, written by readers. Gauging by the scarcity of comments, none of the blogs have been very successful at engaging readers—either with the publication or with each other. Could having three separate blogs be an issue?
Facebook Fanned
Ode’s Facebook presence tells a similar story. Ode has only 9,124 fans—a relatively small number for a 12-year-old magazine that claims a worldwide readership of over 100,000. The page is not very busy, with only four or five posts per day. The good news, however, is that Ode replies to several readers and creates a warm and friendly persona.
Twittering About
Just over 9,000 people follow Ode on Twitter. (Could these be the same 9,000 Facebook fans?) The positive sign here is that Ode follows almost as many people (8,750). On the downside, however, the tweets don’t seem to offer anything more than links to Ode articles; only one or two were in response to a reader. Establishing a two-way conversation with its readers seems to be taking a back seat to Ode’s self-promotion--a definite no-no in the world of social media.
Back to Basics
My final assessment would be that Ode magazine is cognizant of the potential for social networking and wants to build an online community. Right now though, it seems unable to really engage its audience or to create a unique presence using social media. It looks as though Ode hasn’t answered some strategic questions, such as
- Why are we building an online community?
- What will people do there?
- Who will be the caretaker and how can we spark conversation?
- How are we going to be involved; what is our role in this new community?
Ode must understand that its current social media strategy is falling short. I’m afraid if it doesn’t answer these basic questions and step up its involvement, the window of opportunity to engage its readers may close.
Sarah Seltzer,...Sounds Like a Typical Freelance Writer

Navin R. Johnson was hardly one in a million – there's only a fraction of that amount of names in a typical phone book.
Sarah M. Seltzer, however, is more than one in a million. She's approximately one in 1,140,000 (according to Google). And for the record, those are pretty long odds.
You see, when tasked with analyzing a entity's social media presence and strategy, it would have been easy to go after the low-hanging fruit – multi-million dollar corporations with unlimited advertising budgets, who rack up Twitter and Facebook profiles for every little niche product within their company. For goodness sakes, a search of McDonald's on Facebook returns over 600 pages and nearly 9,000 groups.
The less answered question, in my opinion, is where does the everyday, average person – say a freelance writer like myself – fit into this giant social network?
To answer this, I went to Google and typed “freelance writer twitter” into the search form field.
My thinking was “Freelance writer” would return a bunch of big company results; the addition of “Twitter” would assure me that I would get a user profile.
The first result was a link to an article about the ways Twitter helps freelance writers.

How is it that Sarah, a Harvard alum who was trained as a freelance journalist, who is currently working on a novel tentatively named “French Lessons,” and who enjoys skiing in Vermont end up as the top human result on the World's Most Powerful Search Tool?
Perhaps it was the work she has done as a three-year writer for Bitch Magazine?
Probably not.
While luck has surely played a part in her choice Google ranking (no one will ever figure out Google's search algorithm), I would contend that Sarah's dogged determination in social media tools and applications has certainly helped.
Sarah on Twitter
Sarah has been using Twitter for a little over a year; according to her feed she didn't want to start until she got a decent phone. Sarah uses Twitter most often to link directly to her pieces written for RH Reality Check, a Web site dedicated to issues in reproductive health. She rarely uses hash tags or tweets directly to other users. She uses this platform purely to push out info regarding her work.
Sarah's Web Site

Sarah's Personal Blog
A case could easily be made that Sarah's blog acts as a better vehicle for selling her writing than her primary Web site. The design is improved, the writing is sharper, there is better integration of dynamic content; this is really her home page for Sarah the freelance writer. From this page there are also links to Sarah's profiles on several other social media sites:
- Facebook (requires friend acceptance)
http://www.facebook.com/sarah.seltzer - LinkedIn
http://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahmseltzer - Friendfeed
http://friendfeed.com/fellowette - Feedburner E-mail
In fact, as if that wasn't enough, she just entered the vlog space, using YouTube to post her video log where she talks about beta readers, copy edits and adverbs.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Sarah puts in a lot of hard work into her online presence. For any individual, or business – regardless of size – an effective social media strategy requires effort, using multiple sites in concert with one another, and a ton of time and patience. It also helps to have a little bit of luck.
Mail it Back

For those of you who have admitted to overlooking the census form, the agency is on to you and has spent millions of dollars on social media to get your attention. Although the census form can only be submitted through mail, the agency is now on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Flickr, and blogs in hopes of getting an impressive response from the public. But it doesn’t stop there; it now has its own road tour vehicle, and has even used the 2010 Super Bowl ad as a marketing tool.
The Census Bureau has also posted several pictures up on Flickr. I’m not too familiar with Flickr, but from the information I gathered from the site, it’s a good way for them to interact with the public.
The agency has 13 road tour vehicles that, in total, will travel more than 150,000 miles in 1,547 days. The goal of this tour is to promote the 2010 Census and to educate the public on how important it is to “mail it back.” These vehicles offer interactive exhibits, promotional materials, and a showcase for speakers.

Social Fit Media
If you've ever had a case of insomnia and find yourself staring at fitness infomercial with your eyes glazed over then there's a good chance you may have seen one of the products by Team Beachbody. Some of the fitness infomercials that play in the early hours of the day are all from the same company. If

Team Beachbody is a marketing company in the health and fitness industry that uses its website to not only get already healthy and fit people like trainers and athletes to join their site, but also to encourage those who are just starting a program to join and use their site to get healthy. With the use of this site, a trainer can increase or build a client base while getting paid to promote Team Beachbody products. They have also been recognized as the only health and fitness company to be in partnership with the American Diabetes Association to help reduce and eliminate the rates of obesity and diabetes in this country. The mission is to eliminate the rates of obesity and all other health risks associated with physical inactivity and poor nutrition habits.
Tweeting Face to Face
Social Media sites like Twitter and Facebook build a vision of the company that adds a personal touch to their business. Team Beachbody, however, does not use Twitter or Facebook themselves, but there is a Twitter account posted by a coach on their main website as there are a few fans who've created Facebook pages. The tweets are fairly general updating followers with information about new Team Beachbody products or promotions such as One on One: Volume 2. The user also routinely posts tweets about subscribing to other user's Youtube channels who are logging their progress with some Beachbody product or some progress on one of the Facebook accounts (again, also not official sanctioned by Beachbody) but updates users with current Beachbody promotions and products. However, the creator of the largest Facebook accounts ads a personal touch by giving users a positive greeting on holidays and other celebratory events.
Youtube is the only social media medium Team Beachbody actually uses that isn't found on their site. In fact, if a user posts a video of decent quality that the company likes, they'll contact them and asks to use the video for their own to market their products. There are also other sites that use video to promote Beachbody products focusing on the success they've had.
Everything Team Beachbody does, however, is aimed at getting uses to join their website and users independently use social media sites to try to get others to join the main site too!
Team Beachbody
Because of the company's limited use of social media sites makes it seem like the company's primary and possibly only goal is to get users to register for their site and use their social media products. With the exception of Youtube, the popular sites aren't used by Beachbody; however, this could be due to the fact that users promote the products enough and the company chooses not to waste resources where there's already enough promotion. If a user does well, it generates customers for the company, and if a user does poor, Beachbody is not affiliated with the user and has plausible deniability. If anyone complains about the social sites out there, the company can just say that they can't control social media sites, which they can't, others use and if you want to be a real customer, then join their site. Joining their site is free, however, if you want to use the social media portions of their site like blogging and the groups.
Perhaps, the best way for a company to use sites like Twitter and Facebook is to allow users to do all their free advertising for them while offering an alternative in an environment that they can control. That way, as stated before, they can disassociate themselves with negative perspectives while reaping the benefits of the advertising.